Update 21st October:

A rather sad compilation on the suicide saga at France Telecom from 2007 to 2010. Up to date, near 60 , yes SIXTY, FranceTelecom employees have committed a suicide.

Une honte ultime pour toute democratie, ‘Humiliation, dépression, démission: l’offre triple play de France Télécom‘ Near 60 FranceTelecom employees have committed a suicide, This is not China but France, France Telecom is an ex-state company with some employees coming from the civil services. Trying to humiliate to lay off 22.000 employees in a ‘war’ to save the company, is this a new management strategy?
Not much on this in the Anglo-saxon news: ‘More worker suicides reported at France Telecom

Update 3rd October:

If you wanted to insult someone – wouldn’t anyhow advised to insult the ‘gendarmes’ do change your Facebook default settings to ‘private’. A young 19 years old was been fined 1.200 Euros with 3 months prison for “outrage public” – insult to public officer. Eyes are open on social networking! You remember the one who joked on Twitter about a bomb and was arrested at the airport customs? he is appealing against his conviction. ‘Twitter trial: airport bomb tweet ‘could not be serious”
UPDATE 1st October :

HADOPI still too shy to show off and so under the spot:
NICOLAS COURTIER, Avocat, explains what to do when you receive a letter from the HAOPI: ‘Vous recevez un mail de l’Hadopi, que faire ?’
‘Hadopi en pratique, pour ceux qui vont recevoir les e-mails de la Commission de Protection des Droits’

Liberations sees: ‘Le web en ordre de bataille

Numerama put up the Shadow HADOPI : ‘ : contrôlons ensemble l’activité de l’Hadopi

Tech Law in ‘Privacy – UK regulator to issue fines for data protection breaches, at last‘ reports from the Deputy Information Commissioner David Smith ‘at the Internet Society’s INET London meeting (entitled “The Internet revolution: Opportunities, threats and challenges to your business – ignore it at your peril!”):

“We will be using that power, we’re just in the process of doing that in the first two cases, and you’ll see more of that.”

UPDATE 30th September:
cote HADOPI, les chiffres blessent, le contribuable contribue :
’12 millions d’euros ont été accordés à Hadopi dans le cadre du budget 2011 du ministère de la Culture, pour ” financer les missions d’appui au développement de l’offre légale et de protection des oeuvres contre le téléchargement illégal”
‘la Carte Musique Jeunes, repoussée à 2011, et qui fera l’objet d’une subvention de 25 millions d’euros de la part de l’Etat.’

Technollama express his anger : ‘ACS:Law: This is what regulatory failure looks like’
Yes, we needed ACS:Law’s innocent victims to ‘reinforce just how unreliable IP address evidence can be. While the operational details of the Digital Economy Act are still under consideration by OFCOM, this would be a perfect time to continue to stress the point that all forms of digital evidence about infringement should meet the highest standards of security and reliability.’

ACS:Law is not a new story, the SRA had been alerted. Shame no one had stopped them before the big failure. ‘File-sharing lawyer “bullies” face tribunal’

Time to Ask your MP to make sure that the DEA standards of evidence are clearly defined and fully transparent. Open Rights Group”>Email them now :

ACS:Law Could Face the First UK Fine for a Data Breach

August 2010: ‘File-Share Solicitor To Face Tribunal Over ‘Bullying’’ :
“The SRA must look at ways to speed up its complaints process,” said Prince. “It’s taking far too long finalising its case against Davenport Lyons’ two former partners. It made its decision in March to refer the solicitors to the SDT, and here we are five months down the line and still waiting for that to happen. This is not satisfactory in my opinion.”
Crossley “defended the accuracy of the data on which his letters are based, and denied reports that the letters are empty threats, which are not followed up by actual legal action: “It is fair and correct to say that I try to avoid litigation wherever possible and exhaust all other avenues falling short of litigation prior to proceedings being issued.”

UPDATE 29th September:
ACS: Law link compilations

ICO UK Statement :
“29 September 2010 ACS:Law – Data breach
A spokesperson for the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said:
“The ICO takes all breaches of the Data Protection Act very seriously. Any organisation processing personal data must ensure that it is kept safe and secure. This is an important principle of the Act. The ICO will be contacting ACS:Law to establish further facts of the case and to identify what action, if any, needs to be taken.”

Ars Technica ‘The “legal blackmail” business: inside a P2P settlement factory

Bien evidemment, ‘ACS:Law leak ‘shows weakness of Digital Economy Act’ and this should be bear in mind for the reform of the Data Protection Directive. The obligation of securing he data. I had wrote previously about the balance of rights. Anti-counterfeiting measures should not put at risk and harm the right to privacy and cause such distress. HADOPI, ACTA, Digital Economy Bill: From Human Rights to Economic Rights or in Portuges : HADOPI, ACTA, Declaração da Economia Digital: dos Direitos Humanos aos Direitos Econômicos.

‘ACS News’

ACS:Law and the Norwich Pharmacal Orders
From Datanomy: ‘London law firm may pay dearly for pornography

Yes, the ‘leak has caused outrage amongst consumer groups and privacy advocates’. Moreover, what is posted online is their for ever and the distress of the victims immense. No one can repair what has been done.

I am puzzled by the number of victims apparently unaware of any action against them. Is it possible that ISPs would have communicate the IP address of ‘presumed’ infringers to the court for order and transmitted to right holders or ACS:Law without prior notification to the account holder?!!!

News on the ACS:Law side, ‘ACS:Law part one – the human cost

ACS Law hacking a text-book case that exposes several weaknesses‘ What went wrong and a case for the ICO to fine for lack of security.

From the BBC: ‘BT embroiled in ACS:Law porn list

A look at the leaked emails ‘ACS:Law e-mails – the highlights

On the HADOPI side:
Isis : premier logiciel de sécurisation Hadopi’ dresse des statistiques sur Hadopi‘, a website created by Numerama and dedicated to statistics on letters sent out by the Haute autority
UPDATE 28th September –

It is chocking to read that an ISP, Skype, would have communicated the identity of an alleged copyright infringer to a lawyer, ACS:Law, without court order or even notification to the account holder. ‘ACS:Law: The leaked list and the Digital Economy Act

The Guardian UK ‘Law firm could face £500,000 fine over data breach’

BSkyB to challenge requests for customer information from ACS:Law

HADOPI made public the warning letters that will be sent to presumed guilty downloader. Again it empahasis the need to secure network connections. Ironic to have such a requirement, without any indication of how to secure, when you see how easily the ACS:Law website was left unsecured.
Hadopi : le courrier type envoyé aux internautes

Gare au delit de negligeance caracterisee, HADOPI vous invite à “prendre, dans les meilleurs délais, toute mesure utile et faute de mettre en oeuvre, de façon effective, un ou plusieurs moyens de sécurisation de votre accès à Internet, de nouveaux manquements à votre obligation de surveillance venaient à être constatés, une contravention de négligence caractérisée pourrait être constituée à votre égard“.

PCInpact ‘Voilà l’e-mail d’avertissement envoyé par l’Hadopi – Hadopi, c’est parti’

La HADOPI semble elle-meme resignee a ne pas ouvrir son site web pour eviter tout manquement a son obligation de surveillance et de securisation. en attente du feu vert.

From funny to hilarious to ridiculous to sad; from France to the UK, the combat against online piracy an example of human stupidity: waste of time, money and resources for our governments ‘en croisade contre les forces du mal’ to enrich the music, film and games industry.

From The Open Rights Groups : ‘The ACS Law leak shows that the Digital Economy Act carries huge privacy risks

Information Commissioner’s Office statement reported by the BBC: ‘ACS:Law could face £500,000 fine for porn list leak’

Update: ‘The personal details of a further 8,000 people alleged to have shared music or films illegally have appeared online’.

News from the ACS:Law firm from Torrent Freek ‘ACS:Law Anti-Piracy Law Firm Torn Apart By Leaked Emails’

The @PiratePartyUK statement on ACS:Law : ‘Anti-Piracy Firm Accidentally Releases Emails

by AlexanderHanff ‘Re: The official ACS:LAW/Davenport-Lyons lawsuit discussion

‘Thousands of internet porn users have personal details leaked online’

Sky porn leak puts ACS in the shot

Sunday was the European multilingual blogging day. Never too late, here is my multilingual news post.

Connecting across boundaries: Foreign Office takes part in multilingual blogging day.

I was announced last week, the French HADOPI web site will be subject to a DDos during the week-end. After issues with HADOPI fonts that were already registered, the Trade Mark HADOPI registered, apart from the legal issues still pending, the inability to secure network, the fresh HADOPI website is down. piraté”> piraté?

HADOPIs employees are having tough time, put under Numerama’s pressure: ‘On a testé pour vous le centre d’appel de l’Hadopi…

Mulve : le pied de nez à Hadopi’

SOS HADOPI‘ gone to the beach?

And last but not least, to add to the hilarious situation of HADOPI where no mail is coming out, La Quadrature du Net has organised a ‘Grand Jeu-concours d’emails HADOPI !‘ a price for the first to receive a HADOPI letter!!

Google condamné en France pour des suggestions de recherche litigieuses‘ What did not work elsewhere has made Google liable for search results suggestions.

The Independent titles: ‘French court has Google in the dock‘ (Via @nipclaw)

Facebook blames outage on internal config flaw‘ Facebook publie une explication pour l’interruption de son service pendant plus de deux heures et presente ses excuses.

Apple now world’s second-largest company‘ The Register reports that ‘Apple’s share value hovered around $293 per share’ while ‘Dell’s market capitalization is currently $24.6bn ; … Microsoft, $214.4bn; IBM, $169.2bn; Intel, $108.1bn.’

Google condamné en France pour des suggestions de recherche litigieuses

ACS:Law facing legal action over data breach
Much-maligned law firm accidentally releases sensitive information online.

RWWFrance: ‘Touché… Coulé ? 4chan vise ACS:Law

Privacy International launching legal action against ACS Law – Computeractive

ACS:Law facing legal action over data breach

More to come later.

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