Interrupting the Intergenerational Trauma of Family Violence

A paper by Judith G. McMullen, Interrupting the Intergenerational Trauma of Family Violence, published 30 Novembre 2021 by Marquette University that strangely. appeared in my inbox today. A good and timely read that worth read and thoughts.

The author discusses the role that exposure to trauma plays in the lives of persons who are involved with the legal system. Calling for providers of mental health or legal services to be especially aware of the intergenerational consequences and trauma that is ongoing.

Specifically focusing on family violence, which she defines as ‘physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or aggression directed against an intimate partner or child in the family’.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over their lifetimes, approximately 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men experience physical or sexual violence or stalking, and more than 43 million women and 38 million men experience psychological aggression. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services reports that in 2019 there were approximately 656,000 victims of child abuse and neglect in the U.S., which is a rate of 8.9 victims per 1,000 children Certain ethnic groups such as American Indians and African Americans had even higher rates, and children under 1 year of age had a rate of victimization equal to 25.7 per 1,000 children. Evidence suggests that the incidents of family violence have increased during the isolation, stress, and lock-downs of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Unlike one-time traumatic events such as being caught in a tornado, family violence is usually ongoing, and the constant state of high alert with the accompanying stress hormones takes its toll. In addition, the stress can cause genetic changes that are passed on to descendants.

The intergenerational effects of family violence and the role of trauma in shaping future behaviour is explained as often caused by family violence, leads to behavioural changes and physical alterations in the brain, resulting in heightened stress responses. This ongoing stress can even lead to genetic changes affecting future generations.

Children exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) may face numerous health risks being more likely subject to experience or perpetrate violence later in life. The text emphasises that IPV and child maltreatment are interconnected through intergenerational trauma, suggesting that aiding both the abuser and the abused is crucial to breaking the cycle.

The legal system in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, has recognised the impact of trauma and established treatment courts to provide rehabilitative support for those affected by trauma-related crime, addiction, mental illness, and delinquency. These courts offer counselling and services to violent partners and parents, which is supported by evidence suggesting that preventing one form of violence can help prevent others.

To prevent the perpetuation of violence, the author advocates for trauma-focused therapy for all family members, community-based support, and public education on family violence. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT) is highlighted as an effective method for teaching coping skills and reducing depressive and anxious symptoms in both parents and children. The author then concludes by stressing the importance of these approaches in strengthening families and preventing the widespread impact of intergenerational trauma.

Not sure our legal system in the state that it is today, could afford such trauma assistance for victims of violence. Violence is not limited to physical abuse. Mental abuse is deeply penetrating. Legal harassement is another form of mental abuse generating intergenerational trauma.

From the same author : Restorative Justice Circles in Racine Correctional Institution Discusses the role of the Restorative Justice that brings people who have harmed others together with people who have been harmed and with community members to promote understanding and healing. A project some of us, UK mediators, were involved with as well.

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